Thursday, 5 June 2014

Staying safe in the sun - how to select the right *SPF*

Skin Deep – June 2014

Welcome to ‘Skin Deep’ – This month’s feature looks at our ‘Staying safe in the sun, which SPF is right for you’.
Any questions, just ask Dr. Angie Winnington-Sharp or 01925 263660 & 07967 481594. 
Next month – ‘The Good Skin Guide to Combating Acne’.

Recently the media has started reporting more and more on the dangers of sun beds and excessive tanning due to the increased risk of developing skin cancer. However, it is still confusing to people when selecting a good Sun Protection Factor (SPF) as there are so many brands on the market, with varying degrees of protection.
UVA tends to be associated with Ageing and being carcinogenic, whereas UVB is linked directly to Burning (and also has links to pre-cancerous cell changes). For the best protection against ageing and skin damage it is essential that UVA and UVB are shielded against and the product is reapplied every few hours as even natural perspiration can remove it. (No products in the UK are considered ‘water proof’, merely water resistant).
UV-reflective ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide may be controversial in high concentrations as they have the ability to attract free radicals, which in turn can sensitise and age the skin. In order to prevent this from occurring, select a product containing anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories, your skin specialist will be able to assist with this. Remember to apply 20-30 minutes before going outside as it takes the product this long to correctly bind to the skin, having healthy skin means you actually get better protection! And finally, remember the neck, chest, ears and hands…..not just the face, these other areas can be the most significant signs of our true age!

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