Wednesday, 1 October 2014

**Perfect Peels** - How to target sun damage, pigment and lots more

Skin Deep – October 2014

Welcome to ‘Skin Deep’ – This month’s feature looks at our ‘Peels and Pigment’. Any questions, just ask Dr. Angie Winnington-Sharp or 01925 263660 & 07967 481594. 
Next month – ‘Sporting Injuries, Muscular Sprains and Body Toning’.

The mention of a ‘chemical peel’ often instils fear into people, mainly due to many ‘sensationalist TV programs’ that only show extreme cases with very aggressive peels. The vast majority of peels are mild and can be done with little/no downtime.
Let’s face it, all products contain chemicals and the majority of them contain acids, but in a safe (low) percentage, hence there is no reason to misinterpret a peel as being ‘harmful’.
Peels can be exceptionally effective for rejuvenating tired/dull skin, getting rid of fine lines, unwanted pigmentation and sun damage, plus reducing scarring, acne, skin tags and a vast range of other dermatological conditions that are almost impossible to get treatments for on the NHS. In addition, they can be a great alternative to laser if someone is unsuitable for this treatment, or, conversely, they can enhance laser treatments if used in conjunction at appropriate time lapses.
Any professional clinic will start off at a ‘capped level’ to avoid skin damage and fully prepare the skin for any increase in strength that may be desired in the future. Common acid peels include Salicylic, Citric, Lactic, Malic and Azaelaic, plus combinations of these to multi-target areas. A professional skin clinic will also have the expertise to mix and formulate a peel specifically for an individual.
Depending on your individual goals it is possible to freshen the skin, clear congested skin and open pores. You may also want to eradicate fine lines/furrows and reduce the appearance of rosacea, hyperpigment and keratosis pilaris (rough/bumpy skin, looks as though covered in ‘goose pimples’).
The best results can be observed when combining treatments onto the neck and decollate at intervals, hence giving an even improvement. The use of products that repel water, but attract oils (lipophiles) also gives long-term anti-bacterial protection. So, for something that you can have in your lunch-break, why not treat your skin to the three beauty ‘Rs’: Radiance, Rejuvenation and (really) Ravishing.

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